Signed for delivery to the UK, Europe, is free.
Standard delivery times are;
- UK - next day after dispatch by 1.00pm
- Europe - 4 to 5 days from dispatch
- Worldwide- From 5 days. Extract from Royal Mail statement - “Recently there have been increased security measures for items carried on passenger airlines to the USA, Royal Mail has continued to work with relevant airlines and deploy a range of contingency measures and routes to get as much mail to the States as quickly as possible. Most items, should be delivered in the US within a few days of posting. The Royal Mail is continuing to explore alternative solutions for these items, to return them to air transit as soon as possible”.However, delays of about three weeks can be experienced in some circumstances.
- If speed is of the essence for delivery to the United States a DHL 1-4 day service @ £48.11 is available.
Sending items outside of the European Union will incur duty at the point of import; you as the purchaser are liable for any costs attracted to clear the goods through customs.